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The Driveway Guys

Frequently Asked Questions 

We’ve put together below some commonly asked questions to give you more information about The Driveway Guys.

If you have a question that you can’t find the answer to, please use the contact us page.

How much dose a driveway cost

That’s like asking a builder how much to build a house. The cost of a driveway can vary depending on lenght, materials and access. We will come and talk to you and provide you with a free quote. Contact us here

How long will my driveway last?

There are many factors that will determine how long your driveway will last. Things like the amount of traffic, the choice of surface, weather all have a bearing on the like of your driveway.

How long does it take to build a driveway?

Once you have acepted a quote it will be 3-5 weeks before we can start. The time it takes us the build your driveway depends on the size and materials used. Typically we can give you an indication when we present a quote.

What surface do you recommend.

There are many factors that need to be considered when choosing a surface. We look at the location, the expected traffic, your budget and the surounding environment. Typically these are the things we will discuss with you in advance.